Town Wide Revitalization Project
Cleveland is going through exciting times right now through its town-wide Revitalization Project. Much of this lengthy process and positive change can be confusing, especially what specific projects are going on, what funding assistance the town has received, and what stage of those projects we are currently in. Remember the process can seem slow, however; we are working diligently to complete the projects by all deadlines.
To help with any confusion, the Town has compiled a list of projects and the agencies that are working with the Town. If you have any questions about any of the projects the contact numbers are provided, please feel free to contact any of these folks with questions or concerns.
Business District (Downtown) Revitalization
Funding: VA Dept. of Housing and Community Development
Grant program: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Total grant amount: $799,880
Local match requirement: 5%
Local match source: $53,000 donation of old elementary school to Cleveland.
Executive summary:
This grant is intended to physically transform Cleveland into an outdoor recreation and cultural heritage destination by improving public spaces while removing blighting influences throughout the main corridor of the community. Activities will include land acquisition, demolition, renovation, and new construction. Documents and renderings of how different locations included in this grant will look like after completion can be found by visiting Cleveland Town Hall.
Included in this grant is a small business development revolving loan pool totaling $100,000. This loan fund is operated by the town under the guidance of a local bank. The purpose of the loan pool is to provide local, small businesses the opportunity to access lending services that would otherwise not be available through traditional lending sources. There is an application process. The loan pool remains with the Town after the construction-oriented activities are complete.
Project components:
Facade renovations to buildings along Main Street
Streetscape improvements, new sidewalks, street plantings
Central community parking lot
River park with trails
Small business development revolving loan pool ($100,000 which is part of the above-mentioned value)
Completion: June 2018 or earlier
Grant contacts: Debbie Milton, Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission, Lebanon, VA, 276-889-8129, debbiemilton@bvu.net
Christine Owens, VA Dept. of Housing and Community Development, Abingdon, VA, 276-676-5471, christina.owens@dhcd.virginia.gov
Pre-Disaster Flood Mitigation - NOW COMPLETE
Funding: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Grant program: Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant
Total grant amount: $456,907.50
Local match requirement: 10% ($45,690.70)
Local match source: Community Development Block Grant (VA-DHCD)
Executive summary:
FEMA has contributed the above stated amount to purchase and remove blighted and other structurally unstable buildings located between the railroad tracks and the Clinch River in Cleveland. These structures have been deemed a potential hazard during significant flooding events. Should any of the identified vacant buildings be swept away, Route 82, various individuals downstream, and other ecological integrity of the Clinch River could be jeopardized. FEMA relies on voluntary participation by landowners. and any activities conducted through this grant directly involve the affected landowners and their willingness to participate in the project.
Project components:
Acquisition of 6 blighted structures along the Clinch River along Lebanon Avenue.
Demolition and clearing of the said structures, to also include the former elementary school located on Artrip Road
All due diligence to conduct all activities such as legal, survey, inspections, and appraisals
Completion: December 2017
Grant Contacts: Debbie Milton, Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission, Lebanon, VA, 276-889-8129, debbiemilton@bvu.net
Debbie Messmer, Virginia Department of Emergency Management, (804) 897-9975, Debbie.Messmer@vdem.virginia.gov
Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure
Funding: Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
Grant program: ARC Area Development
Total grant amount: $362,791
Local match requirement: 25% ($90,697.75)
Local match source: Community Development Block Grant (VA-DHCD)
Executive summary:
Leveraging subsequent by other local, regional, state, and federal investments, the ARC Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure continues to transform the community into an outdoor recreational destination. This grant does so by bringing necessary improvements and connectivity among the Town's unique natural assets as well as linking to the overall regional asset based initiative of the Clinch River Valley Initiative and Appalachian Spring: a community and economic development initiative of Friends of Southwest Virginia. Any activities conducted through this grant directly involve the affected landowners and their voluntary willingness to participate in the project.
Project components:
150’ swinging bridge across the Clinch River
Primitive and RV campground, with water and electric amenities, along the Clinch River at the former elementary school property located on Artip Road.
1/3 mile hiking trail from the terminus of the swinging bridge to the above-mentioned, new campground.
Completion: June 2018 or earlier
Grant contacts: Debbie Milton, Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission, Lebanon, VA, 276-889-8129, debbiemilton@bvu.net
Christine Owens, VA Dept. of Housing and Community Development, Abingdon, VA, 276-676-5471, christina.owens@dhcd.virginia.gov
Rita Baker, Thompson & Litton (Engineering), Wise, VA, 276-328-2161, rbaker@t-l.com
Cleveland Barrens Trail Network - NOW COMPLETE
Funding: VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation
Grant program: Recreational Trails Program
Total grant amount: $70,000
Local match requirement: 30% ($21,000)
Local match source: Volunteer hours, DCR employee wages, materials, cash
Executive summary:
The purpose of this trail will be to provide recreational trail access at Cleveland Barrens Natural Area Preserve (CBNAP) to the citizens of Russell County and tourists, enhance on-going downtown revitalization efforts in the Town of Cleveland, and help meet the recreational access goals of the Clinch River Valley Initiative. This trail will also provide DCR-DNH with improved access for monitoring and managing rare plants, animals, and natural communities within CBNAP.
Project components:
Parking lot at Tank Hollow Falls
3 miles of trail
2 scenic overlooks
ADA-compliant observation area at Tank Hollow Falls
Completion: December 2017 or earlier
Grant contacts: Debbie Milton, Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission, Lebanon, VA, 276-889-8129, debbiemilton@bvu.net
John Harley, VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Abingdon, VA, 276-676-0325, john.hartley@dcr.virginia.gov
Summary of completed grants in Cleveland, VA
Community Planning and Visioning
Funding: VA Dept. of Housing and Community Development
Grant program: Planning Grants of the Community Development Block Grant program
Total grant amount: $35,000
Local match requirement: 0% ($0)
Local match source: N/A
Executive summary:
The grant is intended to establish a common framework and vision for the future of Cleveland, materializing in the form of a publicly-vetted master plan. This document is a living document, helping to guide Cleveland and it’s leaders down its revitalization path. The plan focuses on the overall visitor and residence experience of Cleveland as a cultural and outdoor recreation hub. Further, this planning process identifies opportunities to physically and economic restructure Cleveland in order to achieve its goes. Copies of this master plan and process summary titled “Cleveland Physical Improvements Plan” can be found at the Town Hall during regular business hours.
Project Components:
Establish community vision
Develop conceptual master plan
Develop economic restructuring plan
Develop marketing and branding plan
Recommend area in need of physical improvements
Develop budget for previously mentioned physical improvements
Grant Contacts: Debbie Milton, Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission, Lebanon, VA, 276-889-8129, debbiemilton@bvu.net
Christine Owens, VA Dept. of Housing and Community Development, Abingdon, VA, 276-676-5471, christina.owens@dhcd.virginia.gov
Nick Proctor, Friends of Southwest Virginia, Abingdon, VA, 276-492-2412, nproctor@myswva.org
David Sutherland, Previous Mayor of Cleveland
Cathy Johnson, Previous Cleveland Town Clerk
Clinch River access point for hand-launched vessels
Funding: VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
Grant program: Grants-to-Localities
Total grant amount: $10,000
Local match requirement: 25% ($2,500)
Local match source: Remaining funds from DHCD planning grant (DHCD)
Executive summary:
The project is to establish a new access point on the Clinch River at the Cleveland Town Park, commonly town as the ball fields. This launch site location is part of a larger network of public access points through the Clinch River Valley Initiative (CRVI). CRVI is a collaborative and regional effort to bring awareness and public access to the Clinch River to elevate the river’s presence to the world-class designation it deserves. This access point is also part of the regional effort to establish a Clinch River State Park. Without public access points, such as the one in Cleveland, the state park would not be possible.
Project components:
Survey and design new Clinch River access point location in the community park
Construct new Clinch River access point in community park
Resurface loop drive with crusher run gravel
Create 6 new parking spaces, 5 standard and 1 ADA accessible
Purchase and install parking and direction signage for access point facilities
Grant contacts: Nick Proctor, Friends of Southwest Virginia, 276-492-2412, nproctor@myswva.org
Steve Kesler, 804-739-4689, steve.kesler@dgif.virginia.gov
Clinch River restroom facilities
Funding: Clinch River Valley Initiative (CRVI)
Grant program: Access Points action group
Total grant amount: $2,500
Local match requirement: 0% ($0)
Local match source: N/A
Executive summary:
The project is directly connected and designed to support the new Clinch River access point. This project paid through CRVI renovates the existing restroom facilities next to the picnic pavilion and access point.
Project components (all items are new unless otherwise stated):
Sinks and faucet fixtures
Urinal (men’s only)
Exterior doors and lock sets
Exterior paint
Break panel and breakers
Grant contacts: Nick Proctor, Friends of Southwest Virginia, Abingdon, VA, 276-492-2412, nproctor@myswva.org
Clinch River education kiosk
Funding: Clinch River Valley Initiative (CRVI)
Grant program: Access Points action group
Total grant amount: $2,500
Local match requirement: 0% ($0)
Local match source: N/A
Executive summary:
The project is directly connected and designed to support the new Clinch River access point. This project paid through CRVI establishes a new kiosk next to the picnic pavilion and access point. Kiosk panels include a brief history of the community, river way finding information, environmental education about the river, and community/ regional news. This kiosk is part of a larger series of kiosks along the Clinch River that are currently located in Cleveland, St. Paul, and Dungannon. This kiosk is also part of the overall effort to bring the Clinch River State Park to the region.
Project components:
New information kiosk with roof, supported by a concrete foundation
Grant contacts: Nick Proctor, Friends of Southwest Virginia, Abingdon, VA, 276-492-2412, nproctor@myswva.org
Community fitness trail and “Clinch” merchandise
Funding: MySWVA Opportunity
Grant program: Rally Southwest Virginia
Total grant amount: $3,000
Local match requirement: 0% ($0)
Local match source: N/A
Executive summary:
Rally Southwest Virginia is a collaborative and action-based program with regional partners to enhance local leaders and entrepreneurship in communities through Southwest Virginia. The program works with local leadership and lay individuals to provide training seminars where attendance is required. In order to practice the skills learned, Rally SWVA provides each community $3,000 to implement a project that supports the community vision, leadership, or entrepreneurship.
Project components:
Construction of 1/3 mile loop fitness trail at community park
Install rest benches along fitness trail
Purchase 50 “Clinch” t-shirts to launch Clinch marketing campaign in the Cleveland community
Grant contacts: Robyn Lee, MySWVA Opportunity/UVA-Wise, Wise, VA, 276-254-2396, ral2w@uvawise.edu
Nick Proctor, Friends of Southwest Virginia, Abingdon, VA, 276-492-2412, nproctor@myswva.org